Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Yesterday was trick or treating in Manchester. The weather was perfect, and since Manchester (lamely) does trick or treating during daylight hours only, it proved to be a great afternoon for a walk.

I made Evan a rocket costume, that while very cute, proved to be difficult for stair climbing (an unfortunate and unintended consequence that threatened to ruin trick or treating). There were some tears, but a last minute costume adjustment by Dad saved the day. And then once the free candy started coming - things couldn't have been better.

Evan was having the time of his life. At every house he would loudly yell "Trick or Treat!", followed by an enthusuastic "Thank you. Have a nice Halloween!".

When we returned home, Evan was the official candy-giver-outer. A role he took very seriously. I was scorned for suggesting that he give two pieces to the kids. "No, Mommy. One piece only!"

Eli, was dressed in a kilt and tam that my mother bought in Scotland when I was a baby. With his red hair he looked like a true Scotsman. Although, unfortunately he was mistaken for a girl a couple of times.

Eli was definitely into the free candy, but was more interested in climbing onto curbs and jumping off - while hollering "bumpy bump". Next year I think he'll dig Halloween.

It's so nice that Evan finally "gets" Halloween. It made for a fun afternoon. I am already looking forward to next year.