Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Lunchbox

Evan is eating lunch at school now. So each morning this week I packed him a little borwn bag to take to school. Yesterday, however, while I was out shopping I found a very cute monkey lunchbox. I was thinking practically (and environmentally), but for Evan it was love at first sight. He carried the lunchbox through the store, handed it to the cashier long enough for scanning and then took it back. When we got home he took his new lunchbox to bed for his nap. Then proceeded to carry it with him all evening - it rode in the back of his bike, it came to the dinner table, and even sat on the couch so the monkey could watch Evan and Daddy play football. The monkey lunchbox was there for bath time, although not in the tub, and then of course into bed last night. He even had me talk to "Friendly Monkey Lunchbox"as he calls him, but not just 'Hi, How are you?' I had to talk "Alot" to him.

This morning he couldn't wait for me to put his lunch in the box. He instructed me where everything should go and scolded me for putting the jucie on the wrong side. Then he carried his packed lunchbox upstairs so he could get dressed and brush his teeth. Then, finally, the packed lunchbox made it to it's ultimate destination - the lunch box shelf at school. I had feared he would insist on the lunchbox playing with him at school, but it didn't seem to be an issue. When I returned to pick him up this afternoon he was eating his lunch with Friendly Monkey Lunchbox smiling beside him.

Monday, January 28, 2008

First Day of School

Evan began preschool today, and I am happy to announce that he loves it! Upon our arrival this morning, I was nervous, but hopeful. Would he follow directions? Participate with the group? Would he meltdown? Would he have the time of his life? He gave Eli and me kisses goodbye, and without further fanfare I left.

When I returned 3 hours later he was having a snack. When he saw me he happily proclaimed that he was EATING GOLDFISH! Then he told me about painting (one of his favorite activities), the book they read about snowmen, and the cool trucks he got to play with. He was so excited, and so was I. As we put on jacket and boots to leave, Evan went and hugged his teachers goodbye. Yes, my son, the one who demonstrably hates goodbyes hugged his teachers. The same teachers who were strangers to him just hours before.

As we piled into the car, he found Blue Fish, his big stuffed fish from the story One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss, and held him on his lap. As we pulled out of the parking lot he proceeded to tell me how happy Blue Fish was. I was beaming from the front seat. If Blue Fish is happy - Evan is happy. If Evan is happy - all is well with the world.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Winter Hike

We woke this morning to discover that it was snowing and decided it was a perfect day to embrace winter and head out for a hike.

We bundled up the boys in snowsuits and hats and mittens and then loaded them into sled and backpack and journeyed into the white silence of the woods. It was a perfect day for hiking. The air was cold, but fresh - standing in stark contrast to our last several months in India. A fresh clean blanket of snow covered the ground and the trees. The woods were quiet except for the sounds of boots and sled on snow and our contented chatter. The boys rode like kings, happy and warm, undaunted by cold or work. All of us enjoying the simple bliss of being outdoors and the cocoa and hot coffee to come.