Friday, June 29, 2007


Say anything, and I do mean anything, to Evan these days and he will immediately respond with a "Huh?".

Me: Evan, what would you like for lunch?
Evan: Huh?

Me: Are you ready for our next adventure?
Evan: Huh?

Me: Good morning Evan.
Evan: Huh?

I'm not sure why or how this began, but it is driving me crazy. Like nails on a chalk board, I cringe every time I hear him utter it. Occasionally for effect he will also add: "What's that? I can't hear you." or "I no understand you." Did I teach him this? Pat is quick to say yes. Sadly, I probably did. However, in my defense, Evan talks a lot, all the time actually, (which by the way is not a Girvin trait) while I am eating, changing Eli's diaper, checking my email, driving the car, going to the bathroom it doesn't matter. Since he talks every waking minute, it is impossible for me to always give him my full attention, and sometimes I can't always understand what he says. So I must throw in a "huh?" now and again. If that is the case then I am on a mission to reform myself, and purge the word "huh" from my vocabulary - and hopefully Evan's too.

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