Saturday, May 12, 2007


This past weekend our friends, the Wiatrowskis, came with their 4-year old daughter Alyssa for a visit. We all had a good time together catching up, flying kites,eating ice cream and playing frisbee (Evan's new favorite sport), but Evan particularly enjoyed having a playmate closer to his own size and age. There were some issues with sharing early on (Evan is not too good at it), but after a while the two of them were playing and sharing like they had been friends for years. It was particularly funny to watch Alyssa whisper into Evan's ear - it was like an instant game of telephone. Evan would duitfully repeat what he thought he heard to everyone's amusement. "Let's go out for ice cream, okay?" became "ice cream cake!"

On Sunday we all visited the Butterfly Place in Westford, MA. What a cool place! The Butterfly Place is a giant atrium filled with butterflies and flowers (and the occasional quail and iguana) that visitors can stroll through. The butterflies were a huge hit with both kids, and they really were beautiful. But once Evan saw the coi pond - forget about the butterflies, it was all about the fish. This kid never tires of fish. The coi were quite beautiful (and big), but in order for Evan to see the fish he had to be held, since the pond was well hidden behind a stand of butterfly bushes. The fish got old real quick for those of us who had to hold him.

Inspired by our visit we purchased our very own butterfly pavilion. I have sent away for the larvae, once they arrive we will be able to watch them form a chrysalis and then eventually hatch into butterflies which we will release in to the wilds of our backyard. I hope Evan will enjoy this as much as I will. More to come on this...

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