Monday, March 31, 2008

The Happiest Boy Alive

Since the weather has been getting nicer the boys and I have been going for walks in the afternoon. Everyday that it wasn't snowing last week, we would bundle up and head out. Evan rode his tricycle while I pushed Eli in the stroller. Both boys loved our walks, so most days we went out twice. Evan, however, has grown A LOT over the past year and his tricycle was suddenly way too small. As he pedaled along down the street his knees were coming just an inch below the handle bars. I mentioned this to Pat and suggested it might be time for a "big boy" bicycle.

So last night, on the way home from Boston, we stopped at Wal Mart and found a beauty of a big boy bike, called the RockIt. Evan fell in love at first sight. After picking out a helmet, he put it on and pushed his bike all the way to the registers. As soon as we got home he helped Daddy check it over and tighten the training wheels. Then he was off and riding. He was nervous at first, it was bigger and harder to pedal, but within five minutes he had the hang of it and was tearing through the house like a pro.

He would stop every few minutes and in his sweetest, most excited voice, thank us for buying him a big boy bike. Then off he'd ride again. One time he stopped and said, "I'm not going to fight with you anymore at Target, or Barnes and Noble, or Lowe's, any of those places". My dream come true! And, while that statement alone would have made the purchase worthwhile, I'm not sure I have ever seen him happier. He was all smiles and his excitement was contagious. Pat and I stood back to soak in the moment as one boy pedaled joyously through the house, and the other tentatively walked behind him.


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