Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Climbing the Walls!

After a long, rainy, housebound Saturday, I was desperate to get out of the house. Where we went was unimportant, as long as it was a change of scenery. Pat and I agreed upon some trivial errands and a visit to the Starbucks drive-thru. As we suited up the kids in shoes, jackets, hats and gloves, Evan asked "Why are we leaving?"

Without really thinking through my response, I said, "Because Mommy is climbing the walls."

Evan's response?

"Mommy, you shouldn't do that! It's dangerous!"


1Kathleen said...

How is Eli doing? Did he have his surgery on Thursday?

Stephanie74 said...

Just wanted to pop in & say HI! Love your blog! Hope all is well.