Monday, November 10, 2008

Ear Infection Number 6

Yes, that's right, since February of this year Eli has had 6 ear infections. He had a brief break over the summer, but now that Fall is in full gear - so are the ear infections. His last ear infection was so recent that he finished the last round of antibiotics 2 weeks ago today. It's been so frustrating on so many levels. First of all, no one wants to see their baby suffer - most especially me. But secondly, little Eli with his fiery red haired temper refuses to suffer alone. He is irritable and aggressive; he looses his appetite; and worse of all - he can't sleep. I can handle the bad behavior and the lack of appetite but the lack of sleep is maddening. Pat and I stumble through our days until we can get an appointment with the pediatrician and the antibiotics can kick in. Meanwhile, the poor little bugger gets so angry sometimes that he won't even let us come near him.

Luckily, we have ear tube surgery scheduled for Thursday. I can hardly wait! Evan had it done two and half years ago and has not had an ear infection since. I am cautiously optimistic that we will be as lucky with Eli. Of course, the tired nay-sayer in me, thinks that this may not be the end. But I really, really hope we can put this chapter of our lives behind us.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, Jessie! I'm sorry to hear about poor Eli. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. I'll be thinking about you guys!