Monday, May 12, 2008

The cheese stick

At some point last week amidst all the tooth pain and not eating I offered Evan a cheese stick. He loves them, and I thought it might be soft enough to eat. I was sadly mistaken. He tried to take a bit of the cheese stick and immediately melted into tears.

"I can't bite it Mommy" he sobbed.

It was so sad. He reminded me three times that day that he couldn't eat the cheese stick. Which was not only sad but frustrating since he actually wanted to eat it, and because we still didn't know why he couldn't. But the kicker was when we went to the dentist two days later, the dentist asked him if his tooth was still bothering him. Of course, Evan, with his razor sharp memory, says, "Yes. I can't eat the cheese stick." So, so sad.

Well, this afternoon I unwrapped a cheese stick for Eli's afternoon snack and put it on the counter. Evan walked by, saw the cheese stick and said, "Mmmm. Cheese stick. Can I eat it?"

As soon as he had taken his first bite, mouth full of cheese, Evan excitedly exclaimed, "I can eat the cheese stick! Mommy, I can eat the cheese stick again!"

Who knew a cheese stick could make two people so happy?

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