Saturday, June 21, 2008

Strawberry Picking

We took the boys strawberry picking today. It's an annual tradition that just seems to get bettter every year. Last year Eli slept in his car seat and Evan was more a "helper", taking the berries I had picked and putting them in the basket for me.

But this year, Evan picked his own berries, thank you very much. And Eli, he was just hungry. He would pick berries out of our baskets, take a big bite and throw it back. Since I was busy picking it took me a while to notice that he wasn't eating the whole berry. I then spent several minutes picking out the half eaten berries, (which I happily ate) before I eventually had to move the basket to a different row out of reach of his red stained hands. When he wasn't eating, he happliy wandered up and down the rows taking off his hat and putting it back on. Perhaps next year he will be ready to be my helper.

At the end of an hour, despite Eli's appetite for strawberries, we had more than enough berries to bring home and enjoy.

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