Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So Tired...

I'm tired. No, make that exhausted. I can't remember the last time I slept for more than three consecutive hours. Eli has yet another head cold, acquired just days after recovering from Strep Throat. Oh! And speaking of Strep Throat, Pat was diagnosed with his second bout of it today. For those keeping score, this is our third round of Strep in 4 weeks.

I'm frustrated. The house is mess and no one feels well. I know there are better days ahead. I know that in the grand scheme of things we are very fortunate. And I also know that these setbacks in health and house cleanliness are temporary. But, sometimes it's hard to see the silver lining. It's hard to remember that this is only temporary when it has felt so permanent for so many weeks.

If only I could sleep. If only Eli could sleep through the night (instead of in his high chair!) . If only his nose would stop running, he might.

1 comment:

1Kathleen said...

I'm sure that you have already done this but just in case - have you replaced everybodies toothbrush so they are not reinfecting themselves when brushing?